The First Impact Investment Bank
Bridgepoint Investment Banking is a tenacious, innovative and results-oriented independent boutique investment bank focused on impact and value creation for the companies we serve. We provide confidential, creative and unconflicted capital solutions and strategic advice to clients globally across a range of focus sectors.
Bridgepoint provides capital raising and M&A advisory solutions. Capital raising solutions include debt advisory, equity advisory and a market-leading leveraged finance practice. M&A advisory solutions include sell-side M&A, buy-side M&A, management buyout and cross-border M&A advisory.
Our people are our greatest asset. Bridgepoint provides a unique impact boutique investment banking platform for Wall Street rock stars in non-traditional markets.
We have an unequivocal focus on our clients and their prosperity. We measure our performance by the long-term success of our clients.
About Bridgepoint Investment Banking
How the Bridgepoint Process Can Benefit Your Company
Services We Provide for Our Clients
I Want to Sell My Company. Why Should I Call Bridgepoint Investment Banking?
What it Means to be Part of the Bridgepoint Team
Joe Boulay
Dee Collins
Director of Marketing
Abby Davis
Michelle Fulmer
Executive Assistant & Community Manager
Garrett Gamez
Chad Gardiner
Managing Director
Gary Grote
Managing Director
Kate Loughran
Managing Director
Subhash Marineni
Managing Director
Wm “Lee” Merritt
General Counsel
Matt Plooster
Founder & CEO
Natasha Plooster
Chief Operating Officer
Robert Schmidt
Managing Director
Alex Spanel
Vice President
Steven Townsend
Vice President
Bryan Wallace
Managing Director
Perry Worden
Senior Analyst
Mike Anderson
Managing Director, Emeritus